UC Components, Inc. is your Copy Exact partner. Copy Exact is a policy that states all manufacturing process steps that affect the form, fit, function, or appearance of a component are to remain fixed and unchanged without prior notification and approval from UC Components, Inc. and/or our customers. This is an industry-wide standard that ensures that our customers always receive the best and most consistent possible performance from all of our products.
Essentially, an OEM dictates to all of their sub-assembly suppliers that very little, if anything, can deviate from their original part parameters, which may include, but are not limited to:
- Raw material vendors
- Material types
- Material suppliers
- Sub-contracted suppliers, for example: approved coaters and platers
- Packaging type
- Labeling
The overall process, now known as Copy Exact, began back in the late 1980s with Intel in an effort to maintain their reputation while reducing labor costs. From there it expanded to a wide variety of industries. With solid manufacturing and documentation control as our hallmark, UC has seen the decades-old transition to the Copy Exact format mature.
Whether it’s simply adhering to the protocol for a UC Components catalog part call-out on an assembly bill of materials, or a highly critical part requiring strict surveillance throughout the manufacturing process, we have your solution. We will even designate a new part number and documentation package for your specific part, if necessary, for your specific application.
From raw material, to approved plater, to custom packaging and labeling, UC Components, Inc. is your Copy Exact partner… yesterday, today, and tomorrow!